2-Year Bachelor Degree Applicants for Diploma Holders
Diploma Holders wishing to continue their studies and pursue a 2-year Bachelor’s Degree at the Australian University can benefit from AU’s 2+2 bridging model and apply for Admission in the programs listed below.
2-Year Bachelor Application Process
Applicants must have completed a Diploma program that is accredited in Kuwait with minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00.
Required Documents
- Copy of AU Diploma.
- Copy of AU Transcript.
- Copy of PUC To Whom It May Concern (TWIMC) letter.
- Valid passport copy (including residency page for non-Kuwaitis)
- Valid Civil ID copy.
- One photograph (4×6)
- For Non-AU Diploma Holders, kindly refer to Transfer Applicants webpage for further details.