English Language Program


The English Language Program prepares students for the future by giving them the necessary skills they need to successfully pursue their studies in the field of their choice.


The scope and variety of courses provided by the English Language Program are designed in such a way as to cover the fundamental skills that students would need to pursue their studies at the College level in Engineering and Business. These include academic and research writing, reading comprehension and critical thinking, listening and note-taking, communication, and transferrable academic skills.

The curriculum promotes active learning through extensive practice in skills needed in various academic situations and in the Kuwait labor market.


The English Language Program (ELP), Australian University has been accredited by Eaquals since 2017 and at the most recent Eaquals inspection in May 2022 its full compliance with all Eaquals Quality Standards was again demonstrated. Hence, accreditation and membership have been reconfirmed until 31 December 2025. Making it the first ELP program to become an accredited member of EAQUALS in Kuwait. The ELP met the high standards required for EAQUALS accreditation. The teaching, the course programs, as well as the course organization, the learning resources, testing, and evaluation were all judged to be of high quality. It was found that the institution takes great care to protect the welfare of its clients and staff, and all publicity materials produced by the institution are accurate and truthful. It should also be noted that the inspection report acknowledged a high level of achievement in nearly all standards.

The Inspectors identified points of excellence in the following categories: 

    • Management and Administration
    • Communication with Staff
    • Communication with Students and Other Stakeholders
    • Course Design and Supporting Systems
    • Teaching and Learning
    • Assessment and Certification
    • Academic Resources
    • Student Services
    • Staff Profile and Development
    • Staff Employment Terms
  • Apply the writing process to produce an academic/research paper
  • Comprehend, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and critically respond to written academic texts
  • Communicate effectively in academic contexts
  • Comprehend and interpret spoken academic texts using note-taking strategies
  • Apply research skills to source, evaluate, and synthesize information
  • Work individually and collaboratively in order to apply transferable academic skills (21st century skills)​

AU utilizes the Michigan Placement Test (a computerized test) to place applicants according to their appropriate English language level.

Levels Michigan Test Scores IELTS® Average Score TOEFL IBT®(Internet Based Test)
AU ENGLISH I – Intensive 20 – 30 3.0 – 3.5
AU ENGLISH I – Common 31 – 38 4.0 – 4.5

AU ENGLISH II – Business

AU ENGLISH II – Engineering

39 – 52 5.0
DIRECT ENTRY 53+ 5.5 71+

The English Language Department at AU holds an annual conference on “Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language and Literacy” in partnership with Central Queensland University, AU’s strategic partner. Language instructors at the university and middle/high school levels, as well as researchers and students interested in second language and literacy acquisition and teaching, are among the expected/target audience.

For more information, please contact 1828225 (Ext. 4236) or  officeofelp@au.edu.kw

English Language Program Courses Offered

The English Language Program offers both pre-sessional English courses, as well as Academic English units for the Diploma and Bachelor programs.

The English Language Program offers the following pre-sessional English Courses:

This is a one-semester Intensive English course, which includes essential training in the four English language skills, study skills, and research skills. Upon successful completion of this level, students will have an adequate foundation to move forward to the next level (Level-two English course). Here are the descriptions of the essential skills that students will learn in the level-one Intensive English course:

Course Descriptions

The level-one Reading unit is an intensive, one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to prepare students to be effective readers for their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to comprehend, critically analyze and respond to expository texts. There is an extensive reading component whereby students read self-selected literary texts to further enhance their literacy skills and reading enjoyment in a collaborative, student-centered environment.


The level-one Writing unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective writers in their future academic studies. Students are explicitly taught the purpose and features of a range of expository genres. Using the processes of prewriting, drafting, revision and editing, students learn to write effective academic discourse to present and defend their ideas.


The level-one Listening Unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective listeners for their future studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to effectively comprehend conversations and  monologues across a range of general and academic contexts. Guided note-taking while listening is also introduced to prepare students to be effective note-takers in academic lectures.


The level-one Speaking unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this course is to prepare students to be effective communicators in their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to present their ideas in oral presentations and to interact successfully in academic discussions.


The level-one TAS unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to equip students with the necessary transferable academic skills to be autonomous learners in their future academic studies. This unit focuses on providing students with authentic, meaningful tasks to practice using their English language skills. Students work individually and collaboratively with extensive instructor support on tasks designed to develop the following transferable academic skills: digital literacy, time management, critical thinking and collaborative skills.

This is a one-semester Common English course, which includes essential training in the four English language skills, study skills, and research skills. Upon successful completion of this level, students will have an adequate foundation to move forward to the next level (Level-two English course). Here are the descriptions of the essential skills that students will learn in the level-one Common English course:

Course Descriptions

The level-one Reading unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to prepare students to be effective readers for their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to comprehend, critically analyze and respond to expository texts. There is an extensive reading component whereby students read self-selected literary texts to further enhance their literacy skills and reading enjoyment in a collaborative, student-centered environment.


The level-one Writing unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective writers in their future academic studies. Students are explicitly taught the purpose and features of a range of expository genres. Using the processes of prewriting, drafting, revision and editing, students learn to write effective academic discourse to present and defend their ideas.


The level-one Listening Unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective listeners for their future studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to effectively comprehend conversations and monologues across a range of general and academic contexts. Guided note-taking while listening is also introduced to prepare students to be effective note-takers in academic lectures.


The level-one Speaking unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this course is to prepare students to be effective communicators in their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to present their ideas in oral presentations and to interact successfully in academic discussions.


The level-one TAS unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to equip students with the necessary transferable academic skills to be autonomous learners in their future academic studies. This unit focuses on providing students with authentic, meaningful tasks to practice using their English language skills. Students work individually and collaboratively with extensive instructor support on tasks designed to develop the following transferable academic skills: digital literacy, time management, critical thinking and collaborative skills.

This is a one-semester English course, which includes essential training in the four English language skills, study skills, and research skills. Upon successful completion of this level, students are then admitted to Diploma programs. Here are the descriptions of the essential skills that students will learn in the level-two Business English course:

Course Descriptions

The level-two Reading unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective readers for their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to comprehend, critically analyze and respond to a range of academic texts.


The level-two Writing unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to help students to become more effective writers in their academic environment. It seeks to develop students’ academic essay writing skills and their ability to adopt a critical stance in their writing. This unit uses an integrated process writing and genre approach. Students are taught the features of the genre and then follow the steps of prewriting, writing, and finally revising and editing.


The level-two Listening unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective listeners and autonomous note-takers in their future academic studies. Students are provided with the skills and strategies to effectively comprehend academic lectures and use appropriate note-taking systems to record key information.


The level-two Speaking unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to prepare students to be effective communicators in their future academic studies. Students are taught the language skills and strategies to present their opinions and interact successfully in academic discussions as well as defend their ideas and challenge others in academic debates.


The level-two TAS unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to equip students with the necessary transferable academic skills to be autonomous learners in their future academic studies. This unit focuses on providing students with authentic, meaningful tasks to practice using their English language skills. Students work individually and collaboratively with some instructor support on tasks designed to develop the following transferable academic skills: digital literacy, time management, critical thinking and collaborative skills.

This is a one-semester English course, which includes essential training in the four English language skills, study skills, and research skills. Upon successful completion of this level, students are then admitted to Diploma programs. Here are the descriptions of the essential skills that students will learn in the level-two Engineering English course:

Course Descriptions

The level-two Reading unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective readers for their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to comprehend, critically analyze and respond to a range of academic texts


The level-two Writing unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to help students to become more effective writers in their academic

environment. It seeks to develop students’ academic essay writing skills and their ability to adopt a critical stance in their writing. This unit uses an integrated process writing and genre approach. Students are taught the features of the genre and then follow the steps of prewriting, writing, and finally revising and editing.


The level-two Listening unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective listeners and autonomous note-takers in their future academic studies. Students are provided with the skills and strategies to effectively comprehend academic lectures and use appropriate note-taking systems to record key information.


The level-two Speaking unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to prepare students to be effective communicators in their future academic studies. Students are taught the language skills and strategies to present their opinions and interact successfully in academic discussions as well as defend their ideas and challenge others in academic debates.


The level-two TAS unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of the unit is to equip students with the necessary transferable academic skills to be autonomous learners in their future academic studies. This unit focuses on providing students with authentic, meaningful tasks to practice using their English language skills. Students work individually and collaboratively with some instructor support on tasks designed to develop the following transferable academic skills: digital literacy, time management, critical thinking and collaborative skills.

This is a one-semester English course, which includes essential training in the four English language skills, study skills, and research skills. Upon successful completion of this level, students are then admitted to Diploma programs. Here are the descriptions of the essential skills that students will learn in the level-two Aviation English course:

Course Descriptions

The level-two Reading unit is a one semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this unit is to prepare students to be effective readers for their future studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to comprehend, critically analyze and respond to a range of academic texts.


The level-two Writing unit is a one semester unit designed for aviation foundation students in the English Language Program. It is a six-hour course designed to teach students adequate writing skills and strategies in order to be effective writers in their future academic studies. The students are taught the purpose and features of two writing genres: descriptive essay and process report. All genres are taught within an aeronautical context with the focus on technical terms and vocabulary specific to each genre.


The level-two Listening unit is a one semester unit designed for aviation foundation students in the English Language Program. It is a three-hour course designed to prepare students to be effective listeners and participants in their future academic lectures. The students focus on various listening sub-skills to comprehend lectures within an aeronautical context. There is also an increased emphasis on structured notetaking using specific and relevant methodologies.


The level-two Speaking unit is a one-semester unit designed for the English Language Program. The aim of this course is to prepare students to be effective communicators in their future academic studies. Students are taught the skills and strategies to present their ideas in oral presentations and to interact successfully in academic discussions.


The level-two TAS unit is a one semester unit designed for aviation foundation students in the English Language Program. It is a one-hour inquiry driven, task-based learning unit designed to develop key transferable academic skills; IT, research, critical thinking, and time management to prepare students for their future academic studies. The TAS unit is comprised of a project divided into three stages: research, engine model assembly, and video production.

The English Language Program offers the following Diploma Units:

English for ATC is a one semester, 3-credit course designed to meet the needs of Air Traffic Control students in the School of Aviation. The course largely focuses on enhancing the students’ speaking and listening skills and less extensively on their reading skills, while simultaneously equipping them with necessary technical background and ATC terminology in all the mentioned skills. The course also provides a context for the plain English needed by Air Traffic Controllers to communicate effectively with pilots and fellow controllers in routine and non-routine situations. By the end of the course, students should reach level 4 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) proficiency rating scale, which focuses on pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and interactions.

This is a one-semester course designed to meet the needs of students in the Engineering School to research, read and write extensively. It aims to equip them with research, reading and writing skills as well as strategies that are necessary to identify relevant information in the genres common in their field. The students will learn how to read to identify and synthesize relevant ideas and incorporate them in an extended piece of writing that clearly shows the critical stance of the student, while adhering to the formal requirements of text structure, format and referencing. This unit uses an integrated process and genre approach. The writing cycle begins with models of the genre, a description of the key linguistic features and joint negotiation of a text with the instructor. The student then independently writes in class the individual genre following the steps of pre-writing, writing, revising and editing the final product under the supervision of the instructor.

This is a one-semester course designed to meet the needs of students in the Engineering School to research, read and write extensively. It aims to equip them with research, reading and writing skills as well as strategies that are necessary to identify relevant information in the genres common in their field. The students will learn how to read to identify and synthesize relevant ideas and incorporate them in an extended piece of writing that clearly shows the critical stance of the student, while adhering to the formal requirements of text structure, format and referencing. This unit uses an integrated process and genre approach. The writing cycle begins with models of the genre, a description of the key linguistic features and joint negotiation of a text with the instructor. The student then independently writes in class the individual genre following the steps of pre-writing, writing, revising and editing the final product under the supervision of the instructor.

The English Language Program offers the following Bachelor Course:

The ENGL100 Speech and Presentation Skills Unit is a one-semester unit designed to introduce specific concepts that are integral to effective speaking and presentations. By studying and practicing preparation techniques, students will learn to overcome their apprehensions towards speaking in public and become more confident and effective speakers and presenters. Students will also learn how to prepare an outline to write their own speech. By the end of this course students will be able to speak more confidently, fluently and coherently in front of an audience, utilizing a variety of skills including eye contact, gestures, movement and vocal range, and develop informative and persuasive speeches through research and audience analysis. Moreover, students will be able to write their own speech, enhance a presentation via the effective use of multimedia and visual aids and critically assess their own speaking, and that of others.

This one-semester elective unit focuses on the reading and writing genres and strategies that business students need in their studies and in the future workplace. Students will learn about the rhetorical and linguistic conventions of research papers and business case study reports in order to be able to read them efficiently and critically with the focus on abstracts and introductions. They will learn how to write an abstract. They will also produce a research proposal during the last part of the course to develop their critical analysis skills and writing abilities. This unit assumes prior knowledge of the fundamentals of researching and referencing and the use of business analysis tools.